This week on Let's Roll we are betting the house on some horses in ""Longshot: The Dice Game"". In Longshot, betters will take turns rolling the dice to see which horse gets to move up each round and then placing bets, equipment, or taking concessions on each horse. Players who bet more on each of the three top horses will make back more money once the race has concluded and the better with the highest amount in the end wins!
#1 Chain Reaction: When you complete a vertical column, mark any concession.
#2 Too Lucky: When a 2 is rolled, gain $2.
#3 Scatter Shot: When the die is rolled, you may mark any concession as if the number rolled one higher or one lower.
#4 Early Bird Special: Your bet is free when placed on horses you have no bet already on.
#5 Charley Horse: When you complete a horizontal row, move an horse back one.
#6 Miracle Worker: When bought, mark any concession, jersey, or helmet.
#7 At scoring: Gain $2 for each horse you have a bet on.
#8 Nitro Nellie: When helmeted, move the rolled horse up one space.
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